First Steps

Clean out your fridge and pantry

No more grains and no more sugar. When reading labels look at the sugar content, carb content and then the ingredients. You don't need the temptation of grabbing something easy over grabbing something smart.


Think of the foods you crave and feel like you can't live without then look for a substitute item or recipe. I enjoy salty snacks and I used to enjoy eating potato chips or tortilla chips. Now I have replaced them with pork rinds and macadamia nuts. I get the salt and the crunch I was craving.


When you start to produce ketones you will start urinating a lot more to dump the retained water the carbs were holding onto. This can lead to dehydration (feeling sluggish, dry mouth, headaches, etc) You also need water to help release the fat stores in your body.

Feeling hungry??

FIRST try drinking water to make sure your body isn't confused with being thirsty. SECOND try eating some good fats to curb your hunger so that you don't fall back onto old carb eating habits. I suggest a tablespoon of coconut butter (not oil) this will help you to curb your appetite and give your body some healthy fats to feel full.

Be aware of your protein intake

Excess protein converts to glucose in the body by a process called gluconeogenesis. If you're struggling to start producing ketones, or if you're feeling sluggish despite avoiding carbs and sugar this may be your issue. The keto diet is low carb, high fat, MODERATE protein. Not high protein

Add ELECTROLYTES to your diet

Add sodium, potassium and magnesium to avoid feeling sluggish or getting muscle cramps. Most people don't realize in a regular diet how much sodium they are eating in all of the processed food. When this is removed without replacement you can have negative side effects. I like to add "ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops" to my water and "Morton Iodized Salt" to most of my meals. Click on the link below or check it out in the Keto Shop!

Don't give up!

The "keto flu" can make you feel sluggish, tired and grouchy. This means your body is trying to convert from a glucose burning machine to a ketone/fat burning machine. This is normal and will pass anywhere from 3 days to a couple of weeks typically. Do not try and slowly decrease carbs and sugar, this will only prolong the keto flu. Exogenous ketones which can be purchased at most health food stores can also help you through this period.

Are you still looking for more information? Check out the article below, “Keto 101 (The Basics)”

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