New Beginnings

New Beginnings

I’m really excited to start this new blog and take you on a new journey. My interest is purely to help people to understand the ketogenic diet since its done so much for me. I began my keto journey in May 2013, which helped us to get pregnant with our first child after years of trying. (Yes my husband eats this way too) Minus a couple bumps here and there we’re still going strong and I really believe this way of eating can do wonders for so many. The key to being successful is being willing to learn. My goal is to try and help you to understand what you can and can’t eat, what to watch for on nutrition labels and of course attempting to make things convenient for you. So many people are becoming interested in this way of eating that the conveniences of it have began to explode. You do still have to commit to food prep and cooking your meals, but for those hectic days there are options. I’m a emergency room nurse who works full time and I have two small children at home (presently 1yr and 4yrs) so I know the feeling of being in a panic as to what to make for dinner in a reasonable amount of time. I cook a lot and when we decide to eat out at a fast food restaurant our favorite is usually at “The Habit” with a lettuce wrapped cheeseburger and a side Caesar salad (hold the croutons). Even though you may not have this particular chain in your city there are options popping up everywhere for lettuce wrapped burgers. Even McDonalds is now offering their burgers lettuce wrapped, although I’m not a big fan of McDonalds my 4 year old sure is. Working in the ER I see countless overweight and unhealthy people. Diabetic complications, heart disease, seizures, migraines, high blood pressure, cancer etc. People who can’t understand why there knees are painful and swelling when they are 100lbs or more overweight. People who really don’t understand any other way and can’t see whats right in front of them. I want to scream “I can help you!” But sadly my brief visits and return visits would not allow me the time to safely educate anyone on where to begin. So after a year or so of procrastinating I figured this would be the best way that I could make a personal attempt to get the word out. To make the science behind it all make sense. To simplify where to start and how to keep going. I want to let people know what to expect so when things like the “keto flu” hit they don’t give up. So feel free to send me your questions and comments. I will be available here and on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and by email at [email protected]. You can look forward to recipes, products and  all kinds of keto topics to help you to stay motivated and feeling great. Today is a new day!
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