Low Carb Bagels

Low Carb Bagels

Do you miss the days of waking up to grab a quick coffee and a bagel on the way to work? The convenience of being able to enjoy a quick breakfast in your car? Well if so, then this is a great low carb recipe for you. 

A traditional plain bagel starts around 50g of carbs per serving, if you order one flavored with cinnamon, 82g carbs. Chocolate chip, 68g carbs. Whereas a low carb bagel starts around 3g carbs. I’m sure you’re thinking that it could never taste as great, but I promise you they do. This recipe of Maria Emmerich’s can be changed in so many ways to suit the many flavors that bagels have. I like to use the different flavors of whey protein by Quest but you can substitute any whey protein. They also have an unflavored multi purpose baking mix if you’re looking for a plain bagel or want to keep it savory and add poppyseeds, sesame seeds or spices.



Low Carb Bagel

1/4 cup coconut oil or butter, melted
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup unflavored whey protein
5 eggs
½ tsp Celtic sea salt
1 tsp aluminum free baking powder

Looking for a bagel mold? This is the one I use from Amazon!

Here are some variations:

Blueberry: add 1/2 cup of blueberries to the mix and use either plain unflavored or vanilla flavored whey protein.  And 1 tsp stevia glycerite or sweetened to your liking. (Adds 2g of carbs per bagel)

Chocolate chip: Use unflavored or chocolate whey protein and add 1/4 cup Lily’s chocolate chips (Adds 3g of carbs per bagel) or 1/4 cup shaved dark chocolate, 85% or higher. And 1 tsp stevia glycerite or sweetened to your liking. (Adds 2g of carbs per bagel).

Cinnamon: Use “cinnamon crunch” flavored whey, add 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp stevia glycerite (or sweetened to your liking) Adds 1g of carbs per bagel.

Pumpkin Spice: Use vanilla flavored whey, 1 tsp stevia glycerite and 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice.

Garlic Cheddar: Use unflavored whey protein and add 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese and 1/2 tsp garlic powder.

Everything: Use unflavored whey protein and add 2 tsp “everything but the bagel” seasoning from Trader Joes.

And here are some of the many ways you can enjoy your bagel. With cream cheese, as a sandwich, as a pizza bagel for dinner or as a breakfast sandwich!

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