Keto Ice Cream

Keto Ice Cream

It’s the time of year where the hot weather drives us to look for things to keep cool. Ice cream being one of them. Ice cream has always been a large part of the summer. Whether you’re looking for a mid afternoon treat or maybe an after dinner dessert, ice cream will cure a craving for something sweet quickly. You may think that when you’re following a ketogenic lifestyle this sort of thing would no longer to be able to be part of your life, but this is where you’re wrong. 

The market has really began to expand with its options for keto. Walmart, Sprouts, Costco, Vons (Safeway) and Whole Foods are five stores that have started carrying these items. A couple of my favorite brands this far are Enlightened Keto Collection and Keto Pint

Or if you’re fortunate enough to have an ice cream maker there are limitless amounts of ice cream flavors that you can create. I like to keep my recipes simple using heavy cream, stevia glycerite and flavor. I’ve used extracts, cocoa, no added sugar peanut butter, berries, no added sugar shredded coconut and stevia chocolate chips. As long as your ingredients are sugar free and low carb they can be ketogenic friendly. I use the Cuisinart Ice Cream maker listed below but any machine will work. I prefer this one because you simply put your ingredients in the bowl and turn it on. It’s very user friendly and you’ll have ice cream in about 10 minutes. I do have to mention the one thing with homemade keto ice cream is that it doesn’t store very easily. It actually becomes fairly rock hard. So you do have to eat it all in one sitting. 

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